Age Spots
We LOVE the sun, but being exposed to UV light for longer times can come with risks for our skin. It is really important for us all to take care and protect our skin. Our happy place is to be on the beach in the sun and the sea. Now that we are in our sixties we notice that we also get more freckles and age spots, which is a normal part of aging. Age spots are harmless but because our appearance is part of what makes us feel youthful, we would love to reduce the appearance of any age spots.
So what are age spots exactly?
Age spots are flat brown, gray, or black spots on the skin. They usually occur on sun-exposed areas, like the backs of your hands and your face. Age spots are also called liver spots, senile lentigo, solar lentigines, or sun spots.
Age spots are a result of the body producing excess melanin, melanin is the pigment which gives the skin its color
With a surface area averaging eighteen square feet, the skin is our largest organ of the body. The skin protects our internal organs, guards against infection, regulates temperature changes and hydration levels, generates vitamin D when exposed to UV light and secretes melanin to protects against sunburn. So we always want to be kind for our skin, since it protects us in so many way. (The Essential Life, 7th edition)
Age Spots
What can we do to prevent or reduce the appearance of an age spot?
As we age our skin changes and we see more age spots as we progress over 50. Many people seek the help from their dermatologist or skin therapist who may suggest a harsh chemical treatment. Since age spots are not harmful, we always choose natural solutions first. Trying to reduce the appearance of an age spot naturally won’t stress your body with unwanted side effects and more toxic load. (To learn more about how to reduce your toxic load, read our February newsletter)
Natural solutions are very effective and can be used as a first line of defense or support when skin issues occur. (The Essential Life, 7th edition)
Our go-to product for skin care are 100% natural essential oils, they can support reducing age spots and help you maintain your youthful appearance. Our favorites are:
Bergamot – Being part of the citrus family, Bergamot has purifying properties for the skin and also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. (Caution: Bergamot is photosensitive therefore you should avoid sunlight or UV rays to applied area for up to 12 hours.)
Frankincense – There is almost nothing that Frankincense isn’t good for. That’s why we have the saying: “When in doubt, get the Frank out.” Frankincense has strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps rejuvenate the skin (Modern Essentials, 10th edition)
Juniper Berry – Juniper berry has been used for cleansing infections and healing wounds because of its antiseptic and cleansing properties and as a toner for calming the skin (Modern Essentials 10th edition)
Eat Healthy
Tips to support the anti-aging process in a natural way
Eating healthy - The well-being of every process and system in our body comes down to what and how we eat. Getting the right nutrition is key to keeping our body and our skin healthy. In addition to a balanced diet, adding a natural supplement can help us get the nutrients we need every day
Staying hydrated - Water makes up 60% of our body and is needed to help maintain a healthy weight, flush toxins from the body, and produce bodily fluids like saliva. Water also contributes to regular bowel function, optimal muscle performance, and clear, youthful-looking skin. Water even helps reduce acne and other skin problems by flushing harmful toxins from the body. If beauty products and skin treatments are failing to improve the appearance of our skin, it is a great for us to drink more water!
Sunscreen - To reduce the formation of age spots using sunscreen is important for us. Sunscreens are designed to protect our skin in the sun, filtering out harmful ultraviolet radiation. They are the first and best line of defense against our premature aging.
The right skin care - As mentioned earlier in this blog, we share the impact that a toxic load can have on the aging of our body and mind, so we opt for natural. Especially when it comes to skin care we avoid products with harmful chemicals. Chemicals increase your toxic load and can cause issues with your skin and other systems.
Our favorite Age Spot blend
4 drops of Frankincense
1 drop Bergamot
1 drop Juniper Berry
Add essential oils to a 10ml roller bottle, fill the rest of the bottle with Fractionated Coconut oil, Jojoba oil or Argan oil. Close with the roller-ball insert and shake to mix. (This is a 3% dilution recipe; you can increase the essential oil to a 5% dilution by adding 10 drops of essential oils in total to 10ml of carrier oil)