Why dōTERRA?


dōTERRA is the largest essential oil company in the world. In a market where every company claims to have “pure” essential oils, how do you really know if the oils you’re using are pure? How do you know if the essential oils you’re buying are worthy of being used by you and your family?

If you want the best essential oils, you need the following precautions to ensure the quality of you oils:

  • Sustainable and responsible sourcing (Where do oils come from?)

  • Extensive and thorough testing (Are tests being done on the oils for adulteration and contamination?)

  • Clear and accessible safety and usage information (Are customers supported on how to use the oils safely?)

  • Transparency (Is there third-party testing? Are test results public?)


When you use a bottle of dōTERRA essential oil, you’re using an oil that is pure. There are no contaminants, fillers, or adulterations. The essential oil industry did not have standards to ensure purity, so dōTERRA created one.

Every batch of dōTERRA essential oils goes through a rigorous testing process—well beyond what would be considered “good enough.” After that, each oil is sent to an independent third party for further testing and validation.

This is only one major reason why dōTERRA stands out from all the other essential oil companies, make sure to look below at the other important reasons why we stand out!

Discover how you can receive your FREE SAMPLE of your favorite essential oil


Co-Impact Sourcing

dōTERRA sources essential oils from across the globe to ensure the best potency and purity. Every oil is responsibly and sustainably sourced. dōTERRA focuses on sourcing practices that will produce only the highest quality essential oils, whilst protecting the environment during the production process and providing fair treatment of all harvesters and growers.

We take pride in sourcing the most pure, potent, and effective essential oils in environmentally and socially responsibly ways.

Learn more on co-impact sourcing

Healing Hands

dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® was created as a nonprofit to support community development projects in sourcing communities. These kinds of projects include the funding/building of schools, health clinics, training facilities, and clean water systems.

The Foundation also partners with other disaster relief organizations.

dōTERRA generously donates to cover all administrative costs of the foundation so that 100% of all donations go directly to aid. Visit doterrahealinghands.org to learn more.


Source to You

dōTERRA places great value on the expert knowledge of local farmers—many of whom have nurtured essential oil plants for generations. dōTERRA recruits their expertise into a Global Botanical Network and, in doing so, responsibly supports thousands of jobs around the world.

dōTERRA’s extensive sourcing partnerships empower dōTERRA to produce exclusive, proprietary oils and blends that preserve the purity and potency of each plant. To give you all the detailed information and education on this make sure to visit sourcetoyou.com

Science and Research

At the core of the dōTERRA mission is discovering and developing the world’s highest quality essential oils, whilst staying at the forefront of scientific advances by partnering with selected academic, industry, and scientific institutions.

dōTERRA has developed a testing sequence that far exceeds the industry standard in both breadth and scope. Each step ensures that only the highest quality essential oils pass through quality control, quality assurance, and on to you and your family.

Learn more on sourcetoyou.com