Starting our day strong!
Starting our morning well can set us up for a beautiful day, where we can handle anything that the day has in store for us. Sometimes we rush through or even skip our morning routine, but this is the time where we give our body and mind the attention it needs. When we don’t pay attention, we might miss the signs from our body telling us what it needs or even if something is wrong.
“Listen to your body when it whispers, so you don’t have to hear it scream.”
By creating a morning routine that soothes us, we set ourselves up for success throughout the day.
Our Morning Routine
We share our routine as inspiration, however it is personal and takes into consideration our preferences, listening to your voice will help guide you.
When we wake up, we always take a minute to bring attention to our body by stretching and taking a couple of deep breaths. Taking a couple of deep breaths can help reduces stress and anxiety because it increases oxygen supply and stimulates the nervous system. We always start our day with a big glass of water with a drop of citrus oil in it. This is a daily gentle cleanse and it is important to hydrate in the morning after our fast of the night and also throughout the day. There are many health benefits to using citrus essential oils, especially Lemon oil. Read more about the health and wellness benefits of lemon oil.
To fill the room with a nice aroma we start the diffuser, to provide ongoing emotional and health benefits of diffusing essential oils. Most days, and especially in fall and winter we start with On Guard to support a healthy immune system. The On Guard blend has a lot of health benefits like:
During the winter we enjoy starting the day with a nice hot bath and use a cap-ful of Adaptiv bath-oil. I love Adaptiv because it helps prop me up for my day, providing a ‘you got this!’ support that come with the daily challenges of life. The fact it not only boosts my mood, calms any anxiety, reducing any overwhelm in my life – but more importantly moves me from being passive to decisive action! Read more about the benefits of Adaptive, or check out the video!
Our healthy breakfast includes a nice cappuccino made with oat milk, some natural yogurt with fruit, nuts, chia seeds and a drop of Wild Orange or Tangerine and we enjoy this somewhere inspiring – reading a nice post, sitting on a sunny terrace or just having a nice conversation about the day. Our mindfulness and awareness of what we eat starts a healthy digestion since our digestive process starts in our mouth by chewing our food. At this time we also set our goal for the day and give gratitude for all the beautiful things in our lives, research has shown that giving gratitude actually makes you happy. So, today take a moment to think about the meaningful things in your life - no matter how big or small!
We also commit to our healthy happy lifestyle with smart supplementation to make sure we have enough intake of minerals and vitamins to keep our body strong. Taking LifeLong Vitality in the morning is a staple in our house and an important part of our routine.
When it is time to start work, we put Wild Orange (for positive energy) and Rosemary (for focus) in the diffuser, take some deep breaths and remind ourselves that it is going to be a great day!
We would love to hear about your routines – please note in the comments – so we all share and learn together. Namaste!